PCS Coatings

Industrial Floor Coatings

Vapor Drive Control | Concrete Vapor Control

Serving Olympia and Tacoma, WA, we seek quality placement of floor coverings to enhance indoor air quality long term, by the application of PCS Topical Moisture Block as the first coating on a properly prepared concrete slab on grade.

This controls Vapor Drive to fewer than 3lbs/1000SF; thus meeting carpet industry standards. 15 year warranty with no upper limits. EPA friendly, no VOC’s; (no fumes of off-gassing) synthetic polymer technology.

To properly prep a floor, remove the top carbon layer of concrete. Shot Blasting and Diamond Grinding the edges, is the best surface preparation method to achieve a clean, dry and dust-free surface.

One of the key elements of this method is to achieve a proper profile for the concrete to be treated. We offer Diamond grinding from demolition to high-end polishing; steel shot blasting; dry-ice blasting; sand blasting; etc.

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